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Trains, Planes and Auto Top Ups

In today's world, we do a lot using our mobile devices, so a few weeks ago when I was walking through London Bridge station, I snapped this photograph (on my phone of course), I was quite struck by the amount of people queuing to purchase their train tickets.

A row of 6 ticket machines, with 6 people queuing at each machine, surely with all the technology available to us today, it would be quicker and easier to purchase your ticket online or through your mobile phone? Just about everyone I know has a SmartPhone (even my Mum!) with all sorts of funky App’s that can do all sorts of funky things. My preference is an iPhone and using our phones we can complete an array of tasks.

Claire Roper, Trains, Planes and Auto Top Ups

Don't stand in the Queue...Turn to Technology!

  • When there are delays on public transport, I often find it quicker to check twitter on my phone to see what's happening - real-time updates from other users complete with photographs, its' easy to get an instant feel of the situation.

  • I've registered by Oyster card to automatically top up when I reach a certain limit - so no more having to queue to 'top-up'

  • Most of the Train companies have Apps where you can review live departures, purchase tickets, and some lines even have mobile ticketing available - Awesome!

  • Use a cool App called Waze, it's a community-based traffic and navigation apps. You can connect with other drivers and share real-time traffic and road updates

  • While we are talking about app's, you should get your hands on the London Bus Live Countdown app...not much to say other than, super helpful!

  • My husband has registered his car to automatically pay for his Congestion charge - helpful because sometimes in your busy lives you can forget to do a few things.

What are your favourite travel apps? Do you have any mobile travel tips? I'd love to hear about your choices...anything that makes travelling that little bit easier!


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