My achievements demonstrate how I collaborate with stakeholders and deliver excellence for customers, colleagues and the business strategy. Our achievements demonstrate how we deliver excellence for our customers and colleagues.
Nominated: During the 2020 Lockdown created a fluid, real-time digital strategy to manage Porirua City Council, Te Rauparaha Arena and Porirua Libraries. Adjusting our communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content.
This also required an online database solution for the Love Local Campaign, part of the Covid-19 recovery plan. Created a web based solution, allowing business owners to submit their details via a digital form and a Facebook Group, called Love Local - Porirua. Giving business owners and the local community to engage with each other.

Part of the team creating the award winning video "At the Heart of Our City: Strategic Framework for Children and Young People in Porirua"

Innovative Digital Campaign award for "Chatter Challenge" salesforce campaign.

Part of the small team who created the award winning video for the "The Plimmerton Domain Dog Recreation Area" video entry

Created a web based solution, which allowed business owners to submit their details via a digital form and a Facebook Group

Worked closely with the Cemeteries Team at Porirua City Council to create an interactive QR code walk.

Best social
media tool
Facebook and Salesforce.com integrated "Dashboard Vote" tool, generating leads from social media into salesforce.com database.

Runner-Up: 2023 Wellington Regional Community Award
Runner-up in the Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards – Kāpiti. For work on the Otaki Market Kids Market.
The awards recognise the valuable contribution of volunteers to community groups and organisations across the Wellington Region, across five categories – Art & Culture, Education & Child Youth Development, Health & Wellbeing, Heritage & Environment and Sport & Leisure, and our Rising Star award celebrates new and emerging groups.

Nominated: 2023 Voluneeter Week
Covid-19 had a significant impact on the Otaki Market, and with a downturn of stall holders and community support it was in danger of closing 12 months ago. The Ōtaki Women’s Community Club took up the challenge to revitalise the market back to its glory days. Read the article here

Awarded: 2022 Good Sort Award at Porirua City Council internal awards
Nominated by my peers at the annual Big Breakfast.

Won: 2021 Streets for the People by the People
Porirua City Council, Te Hiko, Cannons Creek (Wesley Community Action). Honoured with an award in the category ‘Streets for People by People’ for its excellent work in co-design with positive change being driven by community members to create a safe and vibrant community heart.
My role was to support the Community Engagement team with their digital presence for this project, delivering landing pages and to manage social media. Read the article here

Nominated: 2020 Best Local Government Event 2021
Collaborating with the events team, my role was to create a digital strategy to market and advertise the Matariki 2020 event across social media platforms and creating a supporting landing page.
Nau mai, haere mai ki, Porirua City. Join us to celebrate the Māori New Year 2020. Join us inside under the stars at Te Rauparaha Arena where there’ll be fun for the whole whānau. Experience the story of Matariki in our spectacular starlit setting, kapa haka performances, live music, a hearty hangi, and interactive visual light displays.

Won: 2021 Active Park Award
The Plimmerton Domain Dog Recreation Area (Te Papa Tākaro Kurī o Te Papa Rēhia o Taupō), serviced by Porirua City Council, was named Active Park of the Year. The Active Park Award recognises the park’s commitment to accessibility, community engagement, and wellbeing. I was part of the small team who created the video entry for the "The Plimmerton Domain Dog Recreation Area" video entry. Active Park Award: The Active Park Award recognises the park's commitment to accessibility, community engagement, and wellbeing.

How to adjust communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content
"We received excellent feedback on your presentation, and Porirua City Council was one of the most requested organisations by the delegates to interview when gathering insight for the 2022 agenda. As one of our standout speakers from last year, we wanted to reach out to invite you to participate in 2022." Bianca Almeida, Marketing Specialist, Akolade

WON; Working closely with the Marketing Manager and Videographer we created the award winning video for "At the Heart of Our City: Strategic Framework for Children and Young People in Porirua." which highlighted the strategy put together by the Principal Advisor for Children and Young People. Tompkins Wake Award for Better Policy and Regulation: Recognises the development of robust and effective evidence-based policy or local regulatory initiatives. Any policy, plan or regulatory initiative is eligible for this award.

Telling the stories of some of the veterans at rest in Porirua Cemetery has become a lot easier. I worked closely with the Cemetery Manager and completed the installation of 16 QRS codes on distinctive red posts in the cemetery, off Kenepuru Dr. Visitors can scan the codes with their smartphone and it takes the user to the Council cemeteries website, where they can read a little more about the person buried in that gravesite.

Nominated: During the 2020 Lockdown created a fluid, real-time digital strategy to manage Porirua City Council, Te Rauparaha Arena and Porirua Libraries. Adjusting our communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content. This also required an online database solution for the Love Local Campaign, part of the Covid-19 recovery plan. Created a web based solution, allowing business owners to submit their details via a digital form and a Facebook Group, called Love Local - Porirua. Giving business owners and the local community to engage with each other.

Awarded: 2018 G-Cloud Framework
Awarded: Collaborated with the Public Sector team at Condeco to create a series of content with a public sector focus, based in line with the G-Cloud Framework. G-Cloud Framework: G-Cloud 10 is the latest version of the government’s procurement system allowing all public sector organisations to access cloud technology and services from pre-approved suppliers, cutting out lengthy tender processes and red tape. As a member of the G-Cloud 10 system, Condeco’s solutions are now pre-approved and directly available to all public sector organisations.

Partnership: 2018 IWFM (Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management)
PARTNERSHIP; Working closely with the Global Marketing Manager we created a successful partnership with IWFM, collaborating digital content, thought leadership and speaking opportunties. The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the body for workplace and facilities professionals. Existing to promote excellence among a worldwide membership community of around 14,000 and to demonstrate the value and contribution of workplace and facilities management more widely.

Partnership: 2018 Worktech Academy
Partnership: Condeco Software is part of the WorkTech Academy partner programme. WORKTECH Academy is the global online platform and community for the future of work and workplace. I worked closely with the Worktech Academy digital team to establish a partnership thought leadership programme. Providing content to their digital thought leadership platform which also included podcasts and webinars.

Partnership: 2018 Inspired Business Media
Partnership: Inspired Business Media is a business events and digital media company that produce industry-led events and digital content for senior executives to learn and connect with other professionals. Along with the Global Events Director we worked closely with this team to develop an official partnership, allowing our teams access to upcoming industry-led events, roundtables, interviews and producing thought leadership content for the Inspired Business Media blog.

Nominated: Working for a Salesforce Implementation company, SolX Consulting, we were often asked how to generate leads from social media into their salesforce database. I created a solution which allowed customers to use Facebook Business page, generating leads into their salesforce.com database, using a third party tool called Pagemodo.I also demo'd this at a customer event, which was a huge success. This page allowed customers to vote for the five most popular charts by entering their details, each entry was then populated into salesforce, which we then displayed using dashboards and reports.

Partnership: 2013 Salesforce.com AppExchange
Partnership: With endorsement from the Managing Director and CEO at SolX Consulting I collaborated with the Salesforce.com partnerships team, set up and managed SolX Consulting AppExhange landing page. The salesforce.com AppExchange is a fast and easy way to extend your businesses Salesforce experience, highlight best practice solutions and share your experience with a vast range of salesforce.com customers. This facility allowed us to showcase some of our best projects and apps.

Nominated: 2013 Women In IT, innovative digital campaign
Nominated: A successful organic social media campaign created for a Salesforce.com implementation company. This company were huge users of a Salesforce.com tool called Chatter.I challenged the CEO to use Chatter for one month as her primary communication tool. Daily posts were published on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, using the hashtag #ChatterChallenge