I recently ran a social media workshop with the main focus on LinkedIn. Out of the 11 participants, only six of them had a Linkedin account, of that six, only two of them where active. I must admit, I was quite surprised that in the digital age we live in they didn't even have a basic account.
So as you can probably imagine they were a very tough crowd! So I had to think outside of the box and explain the vital use of Linkedin in a way that would make business sense to them and their Industry.
"Why should I use The Social Media"
This group attended many conferences and trade shows, so to explain some of the benefits of Linkedin I used the following example:
Four employees attend a trade show over three days, take into consideration the set up costs, paying for the stand, employee wages & expenses and marketing collateral, which is randomly handed out to the event participants with the hope of reaching the right person (or perhaps not ending up in the bin).
Your employees spend three days trying to talk to potential customers while drinking coffee, eating blueberry muffins and checking out the other trade stands where they inadvertively spend the majority of their time talking to competitors.
All of this activity costing approximately from £15,000 - £20,000 and you might walk away with anywhere up to 20ish business cards. #NotQualified
Using Linkedin advertising options you can direct target your audience with a digital campaign, getting your content infront of the right people, at your set budget and which should only take your Marketing Team one day to set up.
While there wasn't an immediate update on LinkedIn from this particular team, there was a overall understanding that perhaps The Social Media is worth an initial investigation.