I love exploring the internet and finding new digital tools to play around with, and once again, I've found another fantastic, or should I say, Emazing Tool, Emaze is an online presentation tool which allows you create some pretty awesome presentations. Be prepared to blow the minds of your colleagues, friends and customers with your professional and exciting presentations emaze. The look and feel of Emaze is slick and user-friendly, I spent a good 30 minutes exploring the existing templates and checking out the shared presentations that other users had created.
Super Simple
It's super simple to create your presentation, you can either use the existing templates and modify them or find your creative side and start from scratch. When you've finished, save and share. There is a great selection of images and shapes already pre-loaded, or you can simply upload your own images. Cool!
Super Bonus
But the super bonus, you can import your powerpoint presentations right into an existing template with a few simple clicks. You will need to be prepared to reformat your presentation in Emaze as it might not fit perfectly into the template you've chosen, but hey that's ok, I was expecting to do a little bit of editing and Emaze is free to use so you can't expect digital miracles!
If you've decided to go for the premium option, then your also able to download your published presentation, as an emaze presentation on your desktop, HTML File, Video or a PDF.
Super Social
Most of the major social media platforms are available for you to share and there's also the option of embedding your presentation into either your website or blog. Here is an example of the United Arab Emirates.
Three cheers for Emaze, another of the internet's digital tools to make our lives just that little bit easier. Try out Emaze, it's easy to use and makes your presentations look like the nuts!