A few months ago on LinkedIn it was popular to recruiter and/or candidate bash. Now the latest trend seems to be writing self proclaiming statements, lengthy "experiences" or "life lessons" - while somewhat interesting, I believe these would actually be better served as a Thought Leadership article.
“Thought leadership should be an entry point to a relationship. Thought leadership should intrigue, challenge, and inspire even people already familiar with a company. It should help start a relationship where none exists, and it should enhance existing relationships.” – Daniel Rasmus

Related Post: Thought Leadership – Capitalising on Trending Topics
Putting a little more strategy into the message, and creating an engaging and thought provoking thought leadership article, either published on LinkedIn Pulse or your own blogging platform, might become a more well rounded and slightly better received peice of content. Self proclaiming statements, in my opinion feel self indulgent and lazy. Which I will skim over rather than taking the time to read.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading about other people’s personal experiences, especially if they offer insight, create inspiration or problem solve.
“Thought leaders are brave; explore areas others don’t, raise questions others won’t, and provide insights others can’t.” – Craig Badings and Liz Alexander
Everyone is entitled to a rant, I’ve been partial to one or two myself, and, just as I’m doing now, I’m using this platform as an outlet. Although I am trying to stay away from the self indulgent rant. Am I succeeding? So, the spirit of thought leadership, here are a bunch of juicy statistics which demonstrate, creating an interesting and thought provoking article can in fact be beneficial.
Nine juicy Thought Leadership statistics
Creating a long form post, means it’s full of more information, facts, statistics and juicy insight, creating trust with your readership.
This is thanks to the popularity of thought leadership growing over the years, google relies on word count as well as keywords, although in my personal opinion thought leadership longer than 500 becomes a little lengthy, but a study by SerpIQ found top ranking content is usually just over 2,400 words.
Considering the number of internet users globally, this is a pretty big statistic. Limiting your message to just one platform will reduce the number of people able to see your content.
This is fairly self explanatory, blogging drives traffic, traffic increases people understanding of your business, yay!
B2B buyers are most certainly on LinkedIn, and want to read insightful and thought provoking information, offering valuable, well thought out content, who knows this may positively increase your profile.
Visuals, most people prefer them, and being able to add an image or two to your blog, well what’s the old saying, a picture tells a thousand words.
And on the topic of images, being able to use actual photographs, well that’s even better, gives your readers insight into who you are in a kind of “Behind the Scenes” kinda way.
We all know about the sales funnel, and the research potential buyers do before they actually make any purchasing decisions, so why not use this to your advantage by writing a blog?
I’m one of the 94%, I’m always sharing blogs with my colleagues, especially digital marketing trends or my personal favourite, lots of juicy statistics!
So there you have it, nine juicy stats about blogging. In my view, we should move away from the Self Proclaiming posts on LinkedIn and start creating more interesting and thought provoking blogs, don’t just limit yourself to the characters available in a standard LinkedIn Post.
Expand your thoughts and inspire us with your experiences, journeys and adventures.