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Pow! The Power of Powtoon

I'm always on the look out for fantastic online tools to use in campaigns, (especially if they offer a free option), I've been dabbling with animation tools, and so far my top choice if PowToon. It's super cool and sooooo easy to use! There are two options, Presentations or Animated Videos, the presentations are like supercharged Powerpoints! In a word, Awesome. No more boring powerpoint presentations or the dreaded #DeathByPowerpoint syndrome. PowToon's animated presentations are Powerpoints sexier cousin, better looking, easier to use and much more powerful. Pow!

Funtastic Functions

Then let's move onto the oh so funtastic function of the Animated Videos, double Pow! You can choose from already existing templates or start from scratch. Either way, you'll have a fab little video which you can embed into your website or blog, and you can also publish directly to the YouTube, cool!

Free Service

I chose the free service, but PowToon does have a subscription service which offers you more functionality and choice. There are plenty of tutorial videos to get you started, and once you get the hang of it, you'll be on your way to producing some fun and exciting video content. Or if you don't feel like you can manage it (But trust me I think you can), then head to the Hire a Powtoonist section.

My Animated Video

Here's my animated video, which I used an existing template and edited slightly, I'll be presenting this short animated video at an upcoming Internal Social Media Think Tank session, the hot topic: "Is this the end of Email?

Untitled design.png

fresh content, new ideas

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