The core focus of marketing is to connect with your target audience.
Meet your audience in the right place and at the right time. In today's digital world that means you need to meet them on the internet. Did you know 72% of overall marketing budgets get put towards digital marketing channels. Digital marketing plays a huge part in reach customers, and works along side your business plan. I've work with small, medium and large organisations to assist with their marketing plans, from London based Charity FutureVersity to advising Virgin Trains on their twitter strategy.

Created a social media strategy | Virgin Trains
As the social media expert within the digital transformation team at DXC, I successfully provided the the consulting team with a vision for social media at Virgin Trains.
I hosted social media workshops with the digital marketing, customer service and social media team at Virgin Trains to develop an understanding of their tone of voice and social personality, how the front line staff deal with real-time social media comments from the public.

2021 WON: Tompkins Wake Better policy & regulation award
Working closely with the Marketing Manager and Videographer we created the award winning video for "At the Heart of Our City: Strategic Framework for Children and Young People in Porirua." which highlighted the strategy put together by the Principal Advisor for Children and Young People. Tompkins Wake Award for Better Policy and Regulation: Recognises the development of robust and effective evidence-based policy or local regulatory initiatives. Any policy, plan or regulatory initiative is eligible for this award.

During the 2020 Lockdown created a fluid, real-time digital strategy to manage Porirua City Council, Te Rauparaha Arena and Porirua Libraries. Adjusting our communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content. This also required an online database solution for the Love Local Campaign, part of the Covid-19 recovery plan. Created a web based solution, allowing business owners to submit their details via a digital form and a Facebook Group, called Love Local - Porirua. Giving business owners and the local community to engage with each other.

2018 AWARDED: G-Cloud Framework
Awarded: Collaborated with the Public Sector team at Condeco to create a series of content with a public sector focus, based in line with the G-Cloud Framework. G-Cloud Framework: G-Cloud 10 is the latest version of the government’s procurement system allowing all public sector organisations to access cloud technology and services from pre-approved suppliers, cutting out lengthy tender processes and red tape. As a member of the G-Cloud 10 system, Condeco’s solutions are now pre-approved and directly available to all public sector organisations.

2018 PARTNERSHIP: Worktech Academy
Partnership: Condeco Software is part of the WorkTech Academy partner programme. WORKTECH Academy is the global online platform and community for the future of work and workplace. I worked closely with the Worktech Academy digital team to establish a partnership thought leadership programme. Providing content to their digital thought leadership platform which also included podcasts and webinars.

2018 PARTNERSHIP: Inspired Business Media
Partnership: Inspired Business Media is a business events and digital media company that produce industry-led events and digital content for senior executives to learn and connect with other professionals. Along with the Global Events Director we worked closely with this team to develop an official partnership, allowing our teams access to upcoming industry-led events, roundtables, interviews and producing thought leadership content for the Inspired Business Media blog.

2013 PARTNERSHIP: Salesforce.com AppExchange
Partnership: With endorsement from the Managing Director and CEO at SolX Consulting I collaborated with the Salesforce.com partnerships team, set up and managed SolX Consulting AppExhange landing page. The salesforce.com AppExchange is a fast and easy way to extend your businesses Salesforce experience, highlight best practice solutions and share your experience with a vast range of salesforce.com customers. This facility allowed us to showcase some of our best projects and apps.

Social media strategy | Virgin Trains
As the social media expert within the digital transformation team at DXC, I successfully provided the the consulting team with a vision for social media at Virgin Trains. I hosted social media workshops with the digital marketing, customer service and social media team at Virgin Trains to develop an understanding of their tone of voice and social personality, how the front line staff deal with real-time social media comments from the public.
Related Bog: It's all about timing (why you should trust your Social Media team)

Facebook + Salesforce integration
Nominated: UK Social media awards, best social media tool
Working for a Salesforce Implementation company, SolX Consulting, we were often asked how to generate leads from social media to their salesforce database. I created a solution which allowed customers to use Facebook Pages which generated a lead into their salesforce.com database.I also demo'd this at a customer event, which was a huge success.

AI, VR & AR strategy | Condeco Software
Working with the product development team at Condeco Software, I could see a potential for a prototype product using A.I. which would make a big splash in the market. This prototype used our existing room booking technology and combined with A.I. Voice assistants allowing users to book a room directly with an Alexa. After discussions with the product team, I created a content strategy for A.I. Virtual and Augmented reality, creating content which the sales, product and executive teams could use to present to customers and investors.
Ebook | Event | Influencer blogging | Thought leadership | Published articles

Social media strategy | Pātaka Art Museum
DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY - PCC: Working closely with the strategic leadership team at Pataka Art Museum in Porirua, I helped devise a social media strategy which suited their needs and capabilities.
With three different business units feeding into a Facebook Page they required a different approach, together we created a strategy which allowed each unit to have it's own voice, and trained team members on how to create beautiful images and engaging posts on social media.
Online Council Meetings | Te Reo Maori Digital Strategy | Digital Strategy Porirua Council | Pātaka Art Museum

Digital strategy | FutureVersity
Working closely with a London based charity FutureVersity, I created an evergreen roadmap, and seasonal content strategy for all their existing digital channels, as well as a 12-month digital marketing plan highlighting the summer programme. I customised a digital marketing strategy which focused on their core business attributes, Receptive, Sefl-Aware, Driven, Resilient, Informed and Self-assured.
As well as the annual report, Vacation Education programme and volunteer courses. I also focused on internal digital and social media training for employees.
FutureVersity Digital Strategy | Speed Talking | Twitter workshop | Building your Digital Brand | House of Parliament Event

Digital marketing strategy | Porirua City Council
I created the digital strategy for Porirua City Council, from website updates and enhancements, social media for the community and employees, and the introduction of a blogging platform. Working closely with the web developer we streamlined the processes of the website to create a more function and operational platform.
This included working with the Health & Safety Team and HR to formulate a process of protecting staff and managing health and wellbeing with negative and abusive comments. I also introduced social media listening tool, Awario.
Online Council Meetings | Te Reo Maori Digital Strategy | Digital Strategy Porirua Council | Pātaka Art Museum

Business month 2021
Working closely with the City Growth team to develop a digital plan for the June 2021 Business month, which included landing pages, Facebook advertising, organic posts, video and photography of all the events. Each event was sold out, with hight attendance. Events included the Business Growth Forum,
The audience heard from Minister of Infrastructure Grant Robertson, Senior Economist Brad Olsen and senior executives from Adventure Park, Ngāti Toa and Whittakers, as they engaged with local businesses on the future of Porirua. Check out the landing page here: poriruacity.govt.nz/businessmonth
Business Month Strategy | Landing page | Video | Event

GlassDoor digital recruitment strategy
Glassdoor is website where current and former employees anonymously review companies. Glassdoor also allows users to anonymously submit and view salaries as well as search and apply for jobs on its platform. I collaborated with the HR Team and devised a strategy for using GlassDoor.
I advised on the best content strategy for Glass Door globally, created the framework for content, imagery and end user experience.

Website technical review
The Website had recently been rebranded, although still required a review of functionality to ensure an excellent customer journey and the internal end user experience was acceptable. Through this process I facilitated website training, installed a pop-up banner, social media integration, automated pricing functions, Call to Action, 3 Factor login, cloud technology to store documents, webchat, QR code experience, Online Council meetings and a major review of short URLs.
Pop Up Banner | Automated Pricing | CTA's and downloads | Website Training | 3-Factor | Cloud document storage | Webchat | Live streamed Council meetings | QR Code experience

Love Local Expo
Part of the Porirua City Council Covid-19 Recovery Plan, I worked closely with the Event Manager to promote the Lovel Local Expo 2020 and 2021. I managed the landing page, social media plan, including Facebook advertising, posting in realtime, video creation, social media reporting and social media tools to monitor online discussions. We created videos to promote the event and a wrap-up video to showcase the event.
Event | Social Media | Website | Digital Strategy | Love Local Facebook group | Love Local Database

Strategic partnership | LinkedIn
At Condeco software, I worked closely with LinkedIn to create a strategic partnership to delivery training workshops across the business globally, I facilitated the workshops in London, Frankfurt, New York, Paris, Singapore and Sydney.
Working with LinkedIn we devised a strategy which used social media to drive an online recruitment strategy. As well as collaborating to utilise LinkedIn Company page to it's fullest potential, I created the framework for content and company influencers, with a strategy future plan for content and recruitment drives.
Social Media | ebook | Global Workshops | Company LinkedIn Page

Global Content Strategy | Condeco Software
I created a global content strategy for Condeco Software, which included a digital online resource hub, technical training videos, blogging strategy, case study videos, web content, Global workplace research guide, ebooks, infographics, presentations, webinars and internal sales tools. I used web and social statistics, spoke to the sales team and all customer facing teams, attended sales meetings and spoke to customers to understand the type of content which was needed.

Diversity and Inclusion strategy
Part of the Diversity and Inclusion forum at Condeco Software, prioritizing diversity and inclusion across the business, providing a safer, happier, productive work environment.
This also became part of the digital strategy, including attending LGBQ+ events, varied blog topics, variety of landing pages, working with Global Butterflies, a trans and non-binary inclusion training company. Layout of current webpages, subtitles on video and creating a statement for the website.
Event presentation "Inclusive Technology" | Social Media | Thought Leadership | Digital Strategy

Content resource hub | Condeco
As part of a global rollout of content, a digital online resource hub was created to offer customers a central location to find, read, download and engage with all existing and new content. Created the global content hub, mapping existing content, managing and creating all content for Condeco globally.
I also created a matrix using industry keywords which began the search engine functionality on the live site. Using the matrix allowed me to map out our existing content, which allowed me to plan and strategically align new content.

Digital strategy | Workplace Transformation
Collaborating with Digital Transformation experts, I project managed the production of a content strategy, including ebooks, roundtable discussion, infographics and thought leadership articles. Content was designed to assist customers with digital transformation in the workplace. In different ways, we are all undergoing a digital transformation in our business. But it’s such a broad, umbrella term that it can be difficult to pin down exactly what it means.
Digital Transformation ebook | Change Management ebook | Infographic | Roundtable | Thought Leadership | Q&A Session

Global blogging strategy
Thought leadership is important for a business to create engagement and raise your profile across your industry. I spoke to the team individually to introduce the thought leadership programme, starting with the most engaged team members.
To introduce diversity and inclusion within the UK team, I imbedded a mini diversity and inclusion strategy into the existing thought leadership programme which gave a voice across the departments, from this we were able to produce a range of engaging, exciting and topical thought leadership articles.
Visit the blog here: condecosoftware.com/blog/

Digital strategy | SoLX Consulting
I created a successful social media strategy, which focused on projects and roadmaps for a Salesforce.com implementation company. This company were huge users of a Salesforce.com tool called Chatter. And a section of the strategy was focused on Chatter, which led me to challenging the CEO to use Chatter for one month as her primary communication tool. Daily posts were published on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, using the hashtag #ChatterChallenge.
Chatter Challenge | Event | Thought Leadership | ebook | Case Study | Digital Strategy | Facebook Integration

UK Twitter strategy | Condeco Software
Implemented a successful Twitter strategy to grow the UK Twitter channel, through engagement, branded material, animated gifs, through content sharing, and thought leadership. This strategy raised the profile of the UK channel to become a thought leadership knowledge base on Workplace, Technology and Innovation.
This strategy also incorporated using our own work force in twitter campaigns, as well as an external programme to run alongside the internal changes, which included becoming active, increasing followership creating a social community and improving the overall impression rating.
Summertime Tweets | A-Z Of Condeco | Meet the Sales Team | Product Campaign | Xmas Countdown | Valentine

Digital strategy | Gridizen
Working closely with a London based property company Gridizen, I created a digital strategy encompassing the theme of the brand and tone. This also included an evergreen content calendar and digital marketing strategy which highlighted their product strategy and future roadmap for customers and investors. There was a focus on content creation, including a blogging platform which regularly showcased the owner of the business, including speaking opportunities. Introduced scheduling tools and I set up the social media platforms, and managed social media (Managing Directors LinkedIn account, and the business Twitter account) content on a six month contract while they recruited a social media team.

Salesforce.com mailing list strategy
Minc Property Enterprises is listed in Real Estate, and located in Dubai UAE and in London. I worked with the Salesforce.com administrator to create regional mailing lists to assist the sales and marketing teams.

2019/20 Global workplace research project | Condeco Software
Project managed and created the framework for Condeco Software's annual workplace research report, which collaborates with 760 workplace leaders from across the globe. In this report we examined the trends driving change and consider whether businesses are prepared for them. We look at changes in flexible working and the use of office space, in particular, meeting rooms. I used the research to create a programme of content for internal stakeholders and for for customers.
Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

Children and young people digital strategy | Porirua City Council
Children and young people are at the heart of Porirua City Council and I wanted to build this into the digital strategy. I created campaigns on Social Media which brought in children's ideas and thoughts with a drawing competition. 3-day work experience programme with students creating their own content, social media take-over days for Children's day and Waitangi Day.
Part of the team who created an award winning video representing Porirua City Council's framework. Invited to present at ConferenNZ 2020 Communicating New Zealand "How to engage the under 25's on social media" within the public sector.
Children's Day | Valentine's Day | ConferenNZ | Waitangi Day | Work Experience | SOLGM Award winning Video

Woman in Technology
A digital strategy to establish Condeco UK as a Thought Leader in the Workplace Industry, including thought leadership articles, Women In Technology landing page, all female panel at the 3rd Workplace Innovation Forum, including a guest chapter in the A.I. in the workplace ebook. This strategy shifted to promoting woman as a leader in technology, assisting with boosting talent attraction & attention and to generate engagement.
Landing Page | Thought Leadership | Social Media | Influencer thought leadership

Trolling and online abuse strategy | Porirua City
Trolling and online abuse can have a damaging effect on your brand, employees wellbeing and the community. Working closely with the HR team I devised a process which was applicable to Porirua City Council, and safeguarded the team.
This included online guidelines for the community, processes on answering and engaging with comments, how to report inappropriate comments, online reporting function to record comments, workshops for customer service teams and creating new content, such as the Debate, not hate video.
Porirua City Council public social media guidelines | Debate, note Hate video | Workshops

Te Reo Māori digital strategy | Porirua City Council
Partnered with Ngāti Toa Rangatira, to honour our commitment to mana whenua and the Treaty of Waitangi. We work together to protect and preserve our city’s natural resources and build a great future for Porirua City. This is also present in our digital strategy, and working with the Maori representative, I created a social media and web strategy putting Te Reo Māori into digital platforms.
Social media posts include Te Re Māori, as well as adding headings to webpages, Official Information Act, to more indepth language translations throughout the website. Did you know videos, the Long Term Plan Video included Māori and Tongan languages.
Online Council Meetings | Te Reo Maori Digital Strategy | Digital Strategy Porirua Council | Pātaka Art Museum

Covid-19 digital strategy | Porirua City Council
Created a fluid, real-time digital strategy to manage Porirua City Council, Te Rauparaha Arena and Porirua Libraries during Lockdown. As part of the integral Communications and Marketing team, I managed the web and social media plan, including posting in realtime, website, emergency web banner, social media reporting and social media tools to monitor online discussions. We adjusted our communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content and used social media listening tool Awairo.
Event | Social Media | Website | Digital Strategy | Love Local Facebook group | Love Local Database

Digital strategy | Poopology the Podcast
Working closely with Eve Laws the founder of Poopology Podcast and Women Ltd, I created a robust and fluid digital strategy which was able to work with the ever changing landscape of podcasts.
Warrior Women explore the good, the bad and shitty complexities of modern life for a modern tribe.
Check out the website here: poopologypodcast.com

Digital Strategy | Porirua Libraries
I created the digital strategy for Porirua Libraries, from website updates and enhancements, social media for the community, and the introduction of a blogging platform. Creating an easier and more concise online experience for customers,
Online Council Meetings | Te Reo Maori Digital Strategy | Digital Strategy Porirua Council | Pātaka Art Museum

Marketing strategy | Jefferson Wells
Jefferson Wells delivers solutions and experienced consultants to solve emerging challenges in Risk & Compliance, Finance & Accounting, Tax Services, and Business Optimization. I created an Events and Marketing strategy for Jefferson Wells London office, strengthening the brand, awareness with customers, to increase demand for products and capabilities. This strategy created an identity in the marketplace.