Thought leadership is a powerful tool.
Businesses and individuals can become thought leaders in their field, but it's not for everyone. Those with a knack of writing, understanding industry and being able to consistently produce high-quality content wi find thought leadership and blogging extremely successful. Thought leadership is the perfect way to build trust with new audiences and leverage the credibility of your brand. Did you know 65% of buyers say thought leadership significantly changed the perception of a company, for the better, due to a piece of thought leadership.
Blogging is a way of life and creating blogging or thought leadership programme for your business is vital in our digital age! I've created and managed blogging and thought leadership programmes across a wide range of industries. And of course, write my own blog
Check out all the articles I've written for
businesses and individuals.

2018 PARTNERSHIP: 2018 Worktech Academy
Partnership: Condeco Software is part of the WorkTech Academy partner programme. WORKTECH Academy is the global online platform and community for the future of work and workplace. I worked closely with the Worktech Academy digital team to establish a partnership thought leadership programme. Providing content to their digital thought leadership platform which also included podcasts and webinars.

2018 PARTNERSHIP: Inspired Business Media
Partnership: Inspired Business Media is a business events and digital media company that produce industry-led events and digital content for senior executives to learn and connect with other professionals. Along with the Global Events Director we worked closely with this team to develop an official partnership, allowing our teams access to upcoming industry-led events, roundtables, interviews and producing thought leadership content for the Inspired Business Media blog.

2018 PARTNERSHIP: IWFM (Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management)
Working closely with the Global Marketing Manager we created a successful partnership with IWFM, collaborating digital content, thought leadership and speaking opportunties. The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) is the body for workplace and facilities professionals. Existing to promote excellence among a worldwide membership community of around 14,000 and to demonstrate the value and contribution of workplace and facilities management more widely.

Future workplace technologies | Condeco
Collaborating with the Global Event Manager to identify industry experts, I generated video content from Keynote speakers at Condeco's 2018 annual workplace conference. Future workplace technologies Peter Otto, Director of Product Strategy & Design, shared his insight on future workplace technologies.Watch the video here

Solx Consulting | Salesforce.com community blog
Working for a Salesforce Implementation company, SolX Consulting, I formed a partnership and enrolled the business onto the Community Salesforce.com blog, created a strategy, wrote and curated articles, which complimented SolX Consulting business blog.

Global workplace research | Condeco Software
Project managed and created the framework for Condeco's annual research report, collaborating with 760 workplace leaders globally. Examining trends driving change and considering whether businesses are prepared.
Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

Curated blog | Porirua City Council
I curated content from existing articles publish in the Discover Porirua Booklet onto the LinkedIn Company page. This was a great way to reuse existing content in a different format and audience.

Influencer | A.I. Consultant Tracey Groves
I invited Technology and AI expert Tracey Groves, Founder and Director of Intelligent Ethics, to write a blog article for Women In Technology campaign which was part of a larger strategy, A.I. Voice Assistant strategy. Her blog The ethical consequences of Artificial Intelligence also appeared as a chapter in the eBook, Is the Workplace Ready for AI Assistants.
Ebook | Event | Influencer blogging | Thought leadership | Published articles

Diversity & Inclusion programme | Condeco Software
Creating a diverse range of blog articles, including Women in Technology, being an LGBTQ+ Workplace Ally, Disabilities in the Workplace. I also collated a blog called "10 Influential Women on Twitter. These women are trailblazers who are revolutionising our environments. They included women from all backgrounds, working mothers, plus size models and Transgender Women. You might like to listen to: Transgender Conversation with Global Butterflies
Event presentation "Inclusive Technology" | Social Media | Thought Leadership | Digital Strategy

Personal blogging | LinkedIn Pulse
I worked with Christina Petrou to encourage her to use LinkedIn Pulse as a blogging platform. Chrisitana already writes amazing content, we discussed her blog strategy which included her website and social media strategy. She is also very active on LinkedIn, and we worked together to ensure she was utilising LinkedIn to share and write her thought leadership.

SolX Consulting | salesforce.com blog
Part of my role as Digital Marketing Manager was to manage the salesforce.com blog for SolX Consulting, which focused on salesforce.com strategy, solutions and tips to our customer base. It was a popular blog, with plenty of helpful information, including a blog 10 Charts and graphs to help manage your salesforce, which formed the basis of a very successful digital solution I created , Facebook and Salesforce integration.
Chatter Challenge | Event | Thought Leadership | ebook | Case Study | Digital Strategy | Facebook Integration

Women in Technology platform | Condeco Software
An evergreen landing page focusing on Women in Technology, interviews and articles from Thought Leaders globally spanning a range of talent. Included influencer articles by Female Formula One Engineer and Former BBC Presenter Penny Haslam.
Just like a good jar of Chutney, The Ethical Consequences of A.I., 10 Influential Women to Follow on Twitter, The Women of Condeco, How to create customer loyalty within a technology business, Workplace behaviours, attitudes and technology over the decades, How children's cartoons can help shape the future Digital Workforce.

Presentation | Developing a strategy to tackle abusive behaviour on social media
Invited to speak again at the annual Social Media for GOV NZ conference 2022, I created the presentation "Developing a strategy to tackle abusive behaviour on social media", which discussed
How do you deal with negative, abusive, or trolling behaviour on social media?
Real life situations and experience and how we deal with online abuse
Creating an online strategy for negative behaviour

Managed | Porirua City Council
Working with the Marketing Manager and PR team at Porirua City Council, I managed a series of blog articles which incorporated with the Discover Porirua Booklet and digital campaign. Including Call to Actions to landing pages on the website.

Formula One Engineer | Sahara Force India
As part of the 2018 Women in Technology campaign, I invited Bernadette Collins, Senior Strategy Engineer at Sahara Force India discusses her role within Formula One. This was a promoted blog on the Landing page and was positively received by industry.
Landing Page | Thought Leadership | Social Media | Influencer thought leadership

PR articles | Workplace research research report
Project managed and created the framework for Condeco Software's annual workplace research report. This project generated articles UK& US news platforms:
allwork.space, workplaceinsight.net, httechnologist.com, northdallasgazette.com, orlandoadvocate.com, anchorpointinteriors.com, actionpoint.ie, futureiot.tech, knoxnews.com
Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

Published | The power of the infographic, easel.ly
Easel.ly is a digital platform which allows you to create infographics, I've used this platform several times to create effective infographics, for business and personal use. I was contacted by Easel.ly who invited me to be a guest blogger and discuss the power of Infographics. The Power of the Infographic

Published article | Public Technology Net
As part of the A.I. strategy I researched and wrote the article The Driving Forces Behind the Modern Workplace Revolution, which was published on Public Technology, an online resource for the Public / Government sector. This article was part of a larger strategy to start the online conversation for A.I., augmented reality and virtual reality in the workplace.
Ebook | Event | Influencer blogging | Thought leadership | Published articles

Blogging platform | DXC (formally CSC)
Working with the Head of PR, together we Implemented the Blogging strategy for the UK within a Global Technology Firm. Responsible for creating relevant content, community participation and leadership whilst developing brand awareness, running blogging workshops for individuals and departments and cultivating story ideas.

Community blog | Otaki
I created a blog in my home town, Otaki, for locals to write, produce and create their own stories, from their favourite place to visit, childhood memories or favourite coffee shops. It was a very popular blog platform and allowed people of all ages, and backgrounds to be able to write their own stories.

Thought Leadership A.I., VR & AR | Condeco Software
As part of this strategy, I created a series of thought leadership articles for the sales, product and executive teams to utilise with customers and investors both on and offline.
Is microchipping the next tech step-change | Disabilities in the workplace: how technology assist us? | Chatbots in the workplace | How to use virtual reality in the workplace | How smart buildings can generate employee productivity | Holograms in the workplace | Are we ready for A.I. assistants in the workplace | The History of wearable technology | the history of voice recognition technology | What are APIs and how to they work? | What is ambient computing
Ebook | Event | Influencer blogging | Thought leadership | Published articles

Published | Work Tech Academy
Whether it is a children’s cartoon or an inspirational individual, Condeco looks at how perceptions are changing on gender-specific roles in the workforce. Read more

Presentation | How to get younger generations engaged on social media with public services?
Created the following presentation for a Communicating for New Zealand 2020, How to get younger generations engaged on social media with public services?
Creating, building and managing a brand that people will value - key elements of the strong public services brand
How to apply corporate marketing & branding strategies to the public sector
Building effective channels to maximise reach and impact

Influencer | Penny Haslam, BBC presenter
I worked with former BBC Presenter and Consultant Penny Haslam joined the Women In Technology campaign and wrote a thought leadership article on female empowerment in the workplace, empowering woman and how to find your confidence.
Landing Page | Thought Leadership | Social Media | Influencer thought leadership

Curated blog | WorkTech Academy
Condeco Software is part of the WorkTech Academy partner programme. WORKTECH Academy is the global online platform and community for the future of work and workplace. I worked closely with the Worktech Academy digital team, I provided content to their digital thought leadership platform on a regular basis. The content was curated from the Condeco Workplace Matters blog.

Global thought leadership strategy | Condeco Software
Thought leadership is important for a business to create engagement and raise your profile across your industry. I spoke to the team individually to introduce the thought leadership programme, starting with the most engaged team members. A range of thought leadership articles have since been produced.
To introduce diversity and inclusion within the UK team, I imbedded and a mini diversity and inclusion strategy into the existing thought leadership programme which gave a voice across the departments, from this we were able to produce a range of engaging, exciting and topical thought leadership articles.

Presentation | Covid-19 Communications
Invited to speak at the Social Media for Government NZ Summit on our successful Covid-19 social media strategy. I created a presentation which demonstrated how we adjusted our communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content.
How we utilised social media as a means to measure concerns, issues and general sentiment , responded to crisis with agility, adaptability and with a small team.
How we prioritised content and the allocation with limited resources and demonstrated how we navigated the need for clear and empathetic messaging for sensitive communications

Presentation | Running communication campaigns on a shoestring
Created the following presentation for a Communicating for New Zealand, Mini Workshop: Effectively utilising budget: Running communication campaigns on a shoestring.
Stretching budgets to get the best campaign ROI
Thinking creatively – bigger isn’t always better
Making your campaign fun and getting the community involved

Presentation | 50 Shades of Social Media
I created a presentation called 50 Shades of Social Media, which is designed to take businesses through the steps of social media platforms, content and plugins, where I discussed everything from campaigns, organic, paid, audience insights and plugins. This presentation helps businesses get a clearer understand of social media.

Published | IT central station
NOMINATED: WOMEN IN IT AWARD, innovated digital campaign award
The week has started off well and continued to get better, the first few days of my #chatterchallenge consisted of Housekeeping; updating my notifications, reviewing who I was following and most important of all making sure the team were following me! Read more

Presentation | Inclusive technology
Condeco Software Ltd was invited to be a keynote speaker at IWMF (Women In FM) 2019 Annual Conference. I developed a thought leadership presentation "Inclusive Technology".
Developing a technology-based presentation discussing why and how technology in the workplace should be inclusive.
This 20-minute presentation, used examples of existing inclusive technology and included interaction participation with voting cards for the audience.
Event presentation "Inclusive Technology" | Social Media | Thought Leadership | Digital Strategy

Presentation | The history of workplace technology
Created the History of Workplace Technology presentation for a workplace technology experts, Condeco.