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fresh content, new ideas

2013 Nominated

Woman in IT

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2016 Case Study



2013 NOMINATED: Women In IT, innovative digital campaign

A successful organic social media campaign created for a implementation company. This company were huge users of a tool called Chatter.I challenged the CEO to use Chatter for one month as her primary communication tool. Daily posts were published on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, using the hashtag #ChatterChallenge

Designer's World

2016 PROFILE: Digital Tool Easelly profiled my infographics

At Easelly, we share a lot of advice on how infographics can be used to increase your website traffic, grow your business, or even just help you grow your audience. And all of the advice we give you is easy to implement, helpful, and it really works. How do we know that? We’ve seen it in action! Read more

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Chatter challenge infographic

NOMINATED: WOMEN IN IT AWARD, innovated digital campaign award



A successful organic social media campaign created for a implementation company. This company were huge users of a tool called Chatter and after completing a campaign via social media, I created an ebook for our customers as well as the Chatter Challenge Infographic which took customers on the journey of the challenge.


Chatter Challenge | Event | Thought Leadership | ebook | Case Study | Digital Strategy | Facebook Integration

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Video Meetings

Video conferencing has revolutionised the way we connect, becoming increasingly relevant as a tool for most modern-day businesses.Successful video integrations are a key step in joining the modernised workspace of today. While traditional audio conferencing can still be a useful tool in the right circumstances, the future is to be in video.


See the infographic here:

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Do you know your workspaces from your workplaces


I created a handy guide outlining the differences between workplace industry names and themes, starting with workspaces and workplaces.

This infographic explains the difference between workspaces and workplaces, driving home the key point that the ideal modern working environment is about much more than where people work – it’s about how they work, too. You’ll also learn how technology can support and improve both types of environment.See the infographic here:


Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

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Personal bio Infographic

Workplace and technology expert Sunita Pachova reached out to me to help her create a tailored infographic resume to enhance her online profile. After initial discussions with Sunita, I designed a simple and effective graphic which highlighted her key attributes: her fun and light-hearted nature, determination & drive and her professionalism. Sunita gave me free rein in terms of design and colour.


After research, I felt orange, (or as we nicknamed it ‘sassy citrus’) reflected her bright and vibrant nature perfectly. 

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Creating a social media campaign using salesforce


An ebook which showed SolX Consulting customers how to use to create a campaign and drive leads through social media. This ebook demonstrated how we put together our social media campaigns, from top tips and tricks of the trade to using web to lead technology and Facebook integration.


ebook | infographic | Live Demo | Technical Solution | Digital Strategy

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Interactive Digital list

As part of the Condeco Content, I created the framework and content for a Workplace Glossary of Terms which enabled customers to find related content. "Confused by the latest workplace jargon? We can make things clearer.

Get a straight-talking explanation in our handy glossary and stay up-to-date." 


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The Global Workplace


One of the most popular thought leadership articles at Condeco was "Different Countries, Different Work Cultures". I refreshed this for 2019 using data collated from the 2019/20 Modern Research Report, with a highlight on the differences and similarities between workplaces across the globe. This infographic explores the differences within the global workplace, from productivity and work/life balance to collaboration and meeting room etiquette. 

See the infographic here:


Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

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How to organise a successful meeting

Taking advantage of the most popular blog "6 simple steps to organising a successful meeting" I turned this content into a helpful step by step infographic. Turning into a regular customer favourite, simple, but effective infographic. Thought leadership articles were created to support this infographic. Text and image CTA's where created for relevant blog posts to drive traffic towards the infographic, including Slide Share presentations.


See the infographic here:

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Shopping trip to Otaki


Using a free online tool called, I created a series of infographics. This is a a story which highlights a girls shopping trip to Otaki, a small town in New Zealand with outlet shopping, created with photographs which have been turned into cartoons.


Halloween infographic | Shopping trip | New Zealand Flag | Flip Flop migration | New Zealand Native birds | Technical Social media | NZ Slang | Published Article | Digital solution

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The New Zealand flag


There is plenty of discussion about New Zealand's current flag, and whether you love the flag or want a new look, it's important to take a look back at the history of the current flag and consider all the facts before making a decision. Originally Published on Otaki Zilchoo blogging platform


Halloween infographic | Shopping trip | New Zealand Flag | Flip Flop migration | New Zealand Native birds | Technical Social media | NZ Slang | Published Article | Digital solution

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Global smart buildings


As part of the global content plan focusing on smart buildings, I create a series of assets on the future of smart buildings, including an infographic, blogs and a video. Thought leadership articles were created to support this infographic, authored by Conseco's Smart Building expert. See the infographic here:


Global Workplace Infographic | Thought leadership programme | Do you know your workplaces infographic | Smart Buildings Infographic | 2019 Workplace Research Paper

Digital workplace experience

Digital Workplace Experience

British employees spend more time on average in the office than any other workforce in Europe. So it’s critically important to give them a working environment in which they feel creative, satisfied and productive.

But as mobile technology and flexible working continue to gain traction, what that ideal workplace looks like is changing all the time.


See infographic here

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Workplace Utilisation Trends

With working practices changing all the time, the make-up of our workspaces need to be under regular review to ensure they’re well-suited to modern business.

You may have a gut feeling about how busy different workspaces are within your building. But without the hard data to back up your instincts, it’s impossible to make informed decisions about the future of your working environment.

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Moving your business to the cloud


Part of a winder content strategy for digital transformation, this infographic sets out six essential points to cover in your quest for your ideal cloud. You’ll discover helpful tips around solution assessment and determining your needs.


Digital Transformation ebook | Change Management ebook | Infographic | Roundtable | Thought Leadership | Q&A Session


Technical and social media infographic


Halloween Infographic


I love a good infographic and think they are the perfect online asset to display almost any story. I created this infographic using a free online tool called, this tongue 'n' cheek story showcasing Halloween villains and how to 'kill them'. From Pennywise to witches, to the classic ghosts. I drew these characters myself and uploaded them to

See this infographic


Halloween infographic | Shopping trip | New Zealand Flag | Flip Flop migration | New Zealand Native birds | Technical Social media | NZ Slang | Published Article | Digital solution

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IoT in Retail

IoT in Retail Event 

This event brought together senior executives from the Retail industry, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Heads of Change and Transformation Innovators of IoT in Retail from leading UK, EU and US retail brands.

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Weekend to Sunny Otaki

Our Weekend to sunny Otaki! It's a fantastic weekend trip, and one we always enjoy the family, from the yummy ice cream, beautiful sunsets and building sandcasltes!


See infographic here

Moving you business to the cloud
The global workplace
Do you know your workspaces
shopping trip
NZ Flag
NZ native birds
salesforce social media
Smart Buildings
IoT in retail
Flip flop migration
Tehcnial and social media
NZ slang
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