If you regularly read my blog, then you'll know I'm a huge fan of free online digital tools! Today I stumbled across pictaculous.com, a really neat online palette generator. By simply uploading your image a colour palette is generated, giving you a range of the best colours to use with your photograph. How cool is that?
It takes away the struggle of trying to come up with the colour choices yourself, although if you still like to choose or play around with the colours, don't worry you still get to choose from the suggested colours pictaculous.com offer.
My Palette
Once you've uploaded your chosen photograph (PNG, GIF, JPG only. Files cannot be larger than 500k), in a few seconds a selection of colours are suggested along with the HTML code which is super handy. I've already uploaded a bunch of photographs to test out the different colour themes and I wasn't disappointed, some great suggestions!

The colour palette has links to Colour Lovers and Kuler Adobe if you'd like to discover, share colors, palettes and patterns and discuss the latest trends. There is also the handy option of emailing or downloading your colour palette.

There are so many reasons why you'd want to use this generator, mood boards, story boards, website and blog themes, individual webpages, email marketing, image creation, offline and online documents...the list is endless!