If you didn't get the job, would your first thought be to run to a newspaper and declare how unjust and unfair it was?
Guess it depends on the circumstances, if it came down to discrimination of any kind, then yes I probably would. Sexism, discrimination, racism or favouritism are serious issues, and should never be taken lightly in the workplace. But if you didn't get the job because according to the interviewer via a text message...

Would your first thought be to run to the newspapers?
To put this into context, Megan applied for a role as a waitress and was interviewed by another young women Shantel. As we can all agree the message itself lacks professional courtesy you generally expect from a business, but on the other hand, in it's simplicity and crudeness, perhaps the interviewer is pointing out the candidate didn't have the skill required for a customer facing role.

The business publicly apologised to Megan, but what this really boils down to, is just two young people being immature and not being able to conduct themselves in a professional manner.
"Teen shocked by job interview feedback mocking her 'basic' answers" I don't doubt for a minute Megan, was upset and discouraged by her experience. But what annoys me the most about this particular story, is how trivial it is, there are far bigger and more important workplace discrimination cases which should be headlines news. While a silly little spat from two unprofessional young people makes headlines "Teen shocked by job interview feedback mocking her 'basic' answers", big brands and major firms are behaving so badly, employees are being forced to sign "gag" orders to prevent them from talking about their experiences.
"Since the introduction in 2013 of tribunal fees of up to £1,200, the number of sex discrimination cases has dropped by 76% and pregnancy-related cases fell by 50%".- The Equality and Human Rights Commission
Particularly focusing on sex discrimination and pregnancy workplace issues, it's is consistently "brushed under the carpet", statistics show:
"Around one in nine of more than 3,000 mothers questioned said they had been dismissed, made compulsorily redundant, or treated so badly they felt they had to leave their job" - The Equality and Human Rights Commission
I myself have experienced discrimination in the workplace, twice due to pregnancy and maternity related issues, both organisations acting illegally as well an immorally. In 2017 Discrimination in the workplace has shocking statistics, which we as a society should no longer be accepting.
"77% of mothers reported a negative or possibly discriminatory experience at work during their pregnancy, maternity leave or on their return to work." - The Equality and Human Rights Commission
Instead of silly little non-stories about two unprofessional and basically lets face it, drama fuelled divas, we should be hearing about the bigger and more important issues facing us as a community.
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