I love shopping, the smell of new clothes, the shine of new shoes and the sparkle of jewellery - I literally can't help myself - I'm a slave to retail.
But browsing the shop floor (unless of you count Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda) has sadly become a thing of the past. Three children later, and I can't remember the last time I was able to stroll the shop in peace. My Children are allergic to the shops. I don't go to the store anymore, I do my shopping online.
There are several online stores which are my top favourites, one of which is BonPrix, they make my life easy peasy when it comes to shopping, I can shop in my own time at my own leisure and love the excitement of when my parcel arrives!
My Children are allergic to the shops. I don't go to the store anymore, I do my shopping online.
Customer Experience
BonPrix’s website has understood the customer experience, its website is visual and easy to use, with sharp high-resolution photographs, and in a world of mobile devices, they have also ensured that it’s mobile friendly.
"40% of global internet users, or more than 1 billion people, have bought products or goods online."
With statistics like that, it's vital BonPrix ensure the simple things work well, so it's good to see their standard functionality is on point, “Save for Later”, “Reviews”, Social Media share options and of course a search function.
"A single second delay in your website loading time can result in a 7% loss in conversion"
I'm in love with the seamless (yes, that pun is intended) delivery of my latest purchase, the website is fast and I've never, ever seen an error message. I'm not sure what the process behind the website is; stock, warehouse, labeling, packaging and courier delivery, I'll leave that up to Retail Experts like Chrisitana Petrou to discuss, what I do know, it works and my customer experience is just what I want: browse the website, click for delivery, open my parcel, try on the fashion and pay online through my account. #Perfect
My Favourite Feature
"The average human attention span has declined from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to 8 seconds now. This is much shorter than the attention span of a goldfish (at 9 seconds)."
Apart from the joy of browsing all the fashion, my favourite feature is the returns process, it takes seconds (even a Goldfish can do it!) and is all completed online in a simple few clicks. Select your item, click the reason for return and move onto the next item. Love it, no more filling in annoying paperwork and manually ticking boxes.
I'm an on the go mum of three boys, so for me, being a #DigitalShopper is fab! Thanks BonPrix for making my customer experience perfect.
Statistic Source :hostingfacts.com