Investment in IoT in Retail is expected to reach $2.5 billion by 2020. This is according to Juniper Research. IoT is rapidly reshaping the whole retail industry and its ecosystem. It is, therefore, essential that retailers and their partners understand how to take advantage of IoT technologies.
Never before have retailers had such a tremendous opportunity to engage and delight their customers.
The retailer’s competitive advantage, growth, and ultimate survival now relies on how the internet of things is and will be used to best serve customers.
I attended the IoT in Retail event, hosted by ERP News. Along with some fantastic speakers, I was also given the opportunity to interview Top Thought Leaders during the event, Erik Staaf, Managing Director, and Darko Atijas, Vice President EMEA, Temando.
IoT in Retail Event
This event brought together senior executives from the Retail industry, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Heads of Change and Transformation Innovators of IoT in Retail from leading UK, EU and US retail brands.