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How to Ride the Trends on Twitter

Riding the Trends on social media

In particular +Twitter can be a fine balance between creative genius and total disaster, many brands jump on the band wagon of popular hashtags or major events, such as the Olympics or Royal Weddings. But finding that line between marketing magic and getting it so horriblly wrong can be the difference between a few key words. Below is a collection of tweets created by some of the biggest brands either using hashtags or focusing on national or international events.

My top tip for riding Hashtag trends

Always, always research the #Hashtag, find out exactly what the core meaning is and what other users are saying. Some brands have made huge mistakes when it comes to inappropriately using trending hashtags, don't be one of them!

Three Brands Riding the Trends

Below is an example of three Brands, Disney, Coca-Cola and WWF who have all used either Trending Hashtags or social media trends to help shape their tweet.

Why I like the Disney Tweet

I'm a Star Wars fan, and having recently watched the latest episode, think this tweet is super cute. And this is exactly what Disney have done, they have taken the super cuteness factor they are known for, mashed it up with something that parents can relate to, Star Wars and breakfast. Focusing in on parents nostalgic emotions for Star Wars and pulling in the kids with something onbrand, we can all easily make our very own BB8 breakfast. #TheForceAwakens

Why I like Coca Cola Tweet

This tweet received mixed feedback, with some twitter users telling Coca Cola exactly what they thought of them 'high-jacking' the birth of a royal baby with their product. But I actually quite like this tweet, I think it's cute, sends a nice message and uses their current campaign to congratulate William and Kate.

Personally I see nothing wrong with this style of marketing, as long as it's done well. Some brands can go over the top and and try to incorporate their ideals and values into everyday activities.It's a very fine line and one that brands should be aware of crossing.

Why I like the WWF Tweet

What's not to like about this, Emoji's, WWF and endangered animals. This tweet pulls at the heart strings and once again uses the cuteness factor and is bang on trend using the ever popular Emoji's - Well done WWF!


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