Today I ran a workshop on how to tweet at a conference.
It was a fantastic turnout, and everyone was really excited to hear how tweeting a conference effectively can really boost your engagement. We discussedPre-Event tweeting, how to tweet during the Event and even what to do post the event. As a quick round up here are a few of my top tips for those of you wishing to tweet a conference.
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Pre Event tweeting, my top tips include Tweet comments to the speakers
Connect with Attendees, guests or speakers prior to the event, I've often sent a tweet saying how I'm looking forward to hearing them speak, or catching up for a coffee. Create a hashtag or use existing hashtags when tweeting prior to the event. Announce you are attending the event to your own audience and @mention the organisers. Tweet the organisers to let them know how excited you are to attend the event.
During the Event, top tips
Ensure you tweet plenty of photos during the event, but the trick with photographs, make them interesting, including your team, booth, or speakers. Use Industry related hashtags during the event. Quote or ask the keynote speakers questions, as well as tweeting questions or statements to your audience. Tweet your schedule to your audience first thing in the morning, if you have a large or engaged following, they can follow you in real time.
Samsung recharges Galaxy phones with a tweet at SXSW
Creating a campaign to run during the event is a fantastic way to engage with your audience and the event attendees. Samsung created the #PowerOn campaign during the SXSW 2013 conference. Attendees tweeted #PowerOn when they needed their battery charged, a Samsung representative would jump on a bike, cycle over to their location and swap it for a fully charged battery. Samsung won a Shorty Award for their efforts, find out more about the campaign here.
Post the Event
Tweet the people you met at the event, with encouraging and positive messaging. Publish a thought leadership article about the event, either based on your experience, top takeaways or focus on an industry trend. And lastly, don't forget to Tweet the organisers, to say congratulations on a great event.
Let me know how you use Twitter or any other social media platform at the next conference, seminar or expo you attend.