There are occasions when ghost writing can work, but this is usually down to the two individuals having a close relationship and understanding of the Industry Experts writing style, thought process and of course the ghost writer having thorough knowledge of the specific industry.
There are many ways to share Content on Linkedin, not just using Status Updates. Thinking outside the box and sharing content in fun and informative ways can ensure your content is shared with a new reach of connections. If you haven't already, start commenting and sharing on other members content and well as regularly sharing your own content. This is a great way to express your views on the article and let’s your connections in on your thought process.
Why would you want to do this? It shows existing and potential new connections you have something to offer and are willing to engage with content.
Group Participation
Participating in Active groups is a great way of increasing your connections and traffic to your website or blog, by posting, sharing, liking and engaging in relevant groups to your personal and business interests. Simply joining a Linkedin group won’t increase your activity or connections, but once you start participating in and creating discussions within your preferred industry groups, you’ll notice your engagement increases and review of your profile increase.
Choose wisely when it comes to Linkedin Groups, don’t over commit. I have probably about five groups which I enjoy regularly engaging with. Check out “One Big Fat reason I engage in Linkedin Groups” for some more information on groups.
Content Sharing
Regularly sharing your own content, as well as customers, partners and general information will inrease your engagement rate. Posting and sharing content at the right time of day is also crucial to ensure you get noticed, you’ll need to play around with the time of day which is best for you; I find Sunday evenings between 5.00pm and 9.00pm quite active, some studies have shown :
Linkedin members are most active in the afternoon and in the evening they are more likely to use their mobile devices to access Linkedin.
Pulse / Thought Leadership
Using Linkedin Pulse is an excellent way of engaging with your own connections as well as reaching out to other Linkedin users outside of your own Network. Find out more about Linkedin Pulse and read 'Finger on the Pulse - how Christiana uses Pulse to Engage with her connections'.
Direct Targeting existing Connections and Companies
Did you know you can share a post and direct target either your existing connections or companies, this is perfect for when you’d like to share with all your connections and notify a specific individual or organization at the same time. Read 'Six Tips for content sharing on Linkedin' for instructions on how to do this.